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  Love is a wonderful emotion, a magnificent power, a moving movement and a touching poem. The world becomes perfect because of love, tender because of love, and moved by love. In fact, whether it is the love between people or the love between people and pets, it is a kind of emotion that can move people and attract people. Today, I will tell you a warm story between people and pet dogs.


  There is a cute and cute dog named Yuanbao. He has been living happily with his dependent owner. However, one day when his owner has something to go home, he leaves him at home alone, which makes Yuanbao feel lonely and lonely. However, the most tragic thing is that the owner of Yuanbao can't rush home in the near future because of temporary business, so he can't arrange Yuanbao's way out, and he can't prepare enough food for Yuanbao. This makes Yuanbao, who has run out of food, into a dilemma for a while, and makes the owner of Yuanbao fall into self blame and worry for a time.


  However, Yuanbao is a very lucky pet. When he was dying, he was stranded on the roof of the building. Fortunately, he was found by his little sister in the house next door. Since then, Yuanbao has not only a gourmet belly, but also the warm heart of fairy sister, which makes him very happy and excited. The little sister is also a very loving and kind girl. She takes great care of Yuanbao. In addition to relying on the hanger to provide Yuanbao with food and water every day, she will carefully and safely throw the empty bottle to Yuanbao for fun, which makes Yuanbao regain her joy and vitality.


  In this way, the love relay lasted for a whole 23 days. In this long 23 days, Yuanbao got meticulous care, which made Yuanbao's owner feel at ease, and also let the majority of Netizens feel at ease. Fortunately, Yuanbao had not been alone for a long time. His master had already returned. On the day when the master came back, Yuanbao cried wrongly, excitedly and happily. This made his master and his little sister who took care of him very moved and distressed.


  Every netizen was moved by the love relay. Everyone said that the story between Yuanbao and fairy sister was very magical and interesting. They even said that the subtle love between man and pet made this winter warm, so let's praise this love!


  Yes, this is a world of love, and we all live in the doughnut of love. But if we want to get more love, we have to pay more love, especially for the pets. Since they regard us as dependent and family members, we have the responsibility and obligation to protect them, take care of them and care for them. Only in this way will our life be more beautiful Happiness, our world will be more sweet.
