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  "Grandfather, I'm back." I was the only one to hear the faint voice. Push open the small wooden door of the old house, slowly, I found the existence of loneliness, and finally felt that the house was empty, only myself. ——Inscription


  Looking at the petals falling in the courtyard, picking up the leaves and holding them in the palm of my hand, I suddenly found that autumn is coming again. It is a full moon night, the ancients have "Qionglou Yuyu, high is too cold" said, do not know whether you are well in the heavenly palace?


  Tonight, the cold star with the full moon, really beautiful. Memory Album dropped sand burned my eyes, but I have no hesitation to look back, that and your little bit by bit. In the country road full of our laughter, I playfully step on the water spray, you can't help but follow my step. In memory, you like to work in the rain without a hat


  I once remember that it was you who were busy with the festival on the full moon night of the Mid Autumn Festival when I was a child; it was you who clamored to play games with the children no matter how busy; it was you who clumsily weaved the lantern of the Mid Autumn Festival. But now, you can no longer be seen in the tea cup on the round table, your smile can no longer be heard under the old trees in the courtyard, and your kind face can no longer be reflected in the flickering candlelight


  Grandfather, I'm back. With the sight of desolation, I returned to my dream home. Dark clouds rolling, slowly pressure to my sky, is your gloomy and unhappy mood? Are you blaming me for not coming back? You say you like the way I write. At that time, you didn't know Chinese characters. You always liked to sit beside me with a leaf fan in your hand and watch me write slanting words. You said it was amazing Do you know, grandfather? I now write every day in school, write your favorite Chinese characters, write about your story, write a lot of


  Grandfather, you know that I am a playful spirit, especially in the mountain streams, which has an irresistible magic power. So you let the sound of the ripples tempt me back? Standing in the clear stream, the head will always jump out of the warm picture of childhood. At that time, every sunny day, you always took me barefoot to the stream to find the secret under the stone. Whenever small fish and shrimp swim happily, I always block their way, hands quietly into the water, suddenly a fish, "ha ha, caught it!" And you, seem to be happier than anyone else, smile rippling open, put up that rough thumb


  Miss the sky after the heavy rain, we often look for secrets in the rice field; miss the dazzling stars after dinner, we often indulge in it, looking for the figure of the Big Dipper; miss the thick grass in early autumn, we look for the footprints of grasshoppers


  Once again, I pushed open the wooden door of the old house and wiped away the tears from the corners of my eyes. My chest rippled with ripples. A thousand words and a thousand words came together into one sentence: grandfather, I'm back!
