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  Doctors save the dying and heal the wounded and live for human life; lawyers complain about injustice and live for human fairness; police maintain justice and live for human security. The painter uses his hands to draw masterpieces; the musician uses his hands to compose famous pieces; the architect uses his hands to build buildings These occupations at the meeting are not only the means for people to earn money and life, but also the ideal struggle point and arrival point for everyone. They are ordinary to humble, but great enough to be respected from the heart. They work hard for life and struggle for their ideals. Their sweet smile makes people love from the heart. The smile of their life is the energy for us to pursue the ideal. My ideal is to be a policeman in all these professions.


  This is the most reliable ideal for me: I want to be a doctor, but I am always careless; I want to be a lawyer, but I have no cool head; I want to be a novelist, you have no inspiration After thinking about it, only the police are suitable for me: I come from a military family, and I have a high degree of enthusiasm, more flexible brain, and so interested in military affairs. So I decided to be a policeman in the future.


  When the armed police, to fight those criminals. They are the obstacles in our life and the rat excrement in the delicious soup of the society. We should clear them and clean up these obstacles and rat excrement for the peace of the society. When a traffic police, in the busy section of the road, the traffic order is not good, directing the long traffic flow through. To be a criminal police officer, to crack down on various social cases and to solve security problems for the people.


  We are the elite and the future of our motherland. Our efforts and struggles are all paving the way for our future and our ideal road. More efforts, we can pave a step more, so that we are closer to our ideal. Now if we don't want the future, it will be difficult for us to walk in the future. So, we need to plan our future blueprint from now on. I think to be a policeman in the future, I need to prepare from now on: prepare to learn to bear hardships, be prepared to learn to work hard, and be prepared to understand "things don't end or end.". You can't give up until you try. " Preparation is not afraid of sacrifice.


  I am suffering, if I want to give up the idea, will appear in my mind those who are holding on to their posts, suffering for the happiness of the people, fighting for their own ideals, but because of these tiredness, I show a happy smile from the bottom of my heart. I'm full of energy. Bitter, is what, our future, our ideal, that a sincere smile, is our lifelong pursuit. The bright smile in our life is our energy to pursue our ideal.
