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  In the face of the sweet fruits of success, everyone is flocking to it. However, on the way forward, they lack courage and can't go forward bravely. On the way, they lose the motivation to move forward. Indeed, it is impossible to harvest success in this way. Success requires courage, and the greatest fear is to give up suddenly.


  The road to success is not smooth, we have to have the courage to face all kinds of tests designed by God. With the courage to face all kinds of trials and tribulations in our life, we will be able to shine a dazzling light and harvest precious success under the grinding of suffering time.


  During the summer vacation, junior high school students who have not seen for many years get together again. During the conversation, we can't help but wonder: two people who have the same conditions in all aspects are living a totally different life. Xiao a and Xiao C are the same table, roommate and good friend who drop out of school. There are indescribable similarities in learning ability and employment goals. However, the difference is that they have different personalities. Xiao a pursues hard work and is full of courage to challenge himself. On the contrary, little C only pays attention to the present and yearns for stability. When he encounters some things, which he thinks he can't do, he will give up and have no courage to try at all. No doubt it was because of this that they led a very different life.


  When they choose to drop out of school and fight for the society, there are also some companies offering olive branches to them. In the face of the opportunity, small a resolutely forward, even if he has never been in contact with a strange job, he is still fearless, brave to learn, his extraordinary courage makes the boss very highly of him. With the encouragement of Xiao a, Xiao C entered the company unwillingly. In the face of unfamiliar work, he would only give up, but had no courage to try. Finally, he was dismissed. After several setbacks, he found a job as a courier.


  Although we often say: people should have self-knowledge, or to recognize whether they are the material to do this, to recognize themselves in order to harvest success. But how many people can really recognize themselves? People are full of potential. Simple self feeling can only understand our surface superficially, but can not fully understand ourselves. At this time, what can help us to recognize ourselves and gain success is courage. We should try it bravely to know whether we are really not suitable, what we are suitable for, and then we can move forward in the right direction.


  Success needs courage, as long as you have the courage to fight, to work hard, your success will come!
