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  Legend has it that one year in ancient times, ten suns appeared in the sky, which made the earth smoke, the sea water dried up, and the people could not live again. This event shocked a hero named Hou Yi, who climbed to the top of Kunlun Mountains, pulled open his bow and shot down nine extra SUNS at one go.


  Hou Yi's great achievements in the world are respected and loved by the people, and many aspiring scholars come to teach and learn art. Fraudulent and unscrupulous Pengmeng also mingled in. Soon after, Hou Yi married a beautiful and kind wife named Chang'e. Houyi, apart from hunting, spends all day with his wife, and people all admire the loving couple who are talented and beautiful.


  One day, Hou Yi went to Kunlun Mountain to visit friends and ask for a way. When he happened to meet the Queen Mother, he asked her for a package of immortal medicine. It is said that taking this medicine can instantly ascend to heaven and become immortal. However, Hou Yi was reluctant to leave his wife, so he had to temporarily give the immortal medicine to Chang'e's collection. Chang'e hid the medicine in the treasure box of the dressing table, but it was unexpectedly seen by Pengmeng.


  Three days later, Hou Yi led all his disciples out hunting, and Pung Meng pretended to be sick with a ghost fetus and stayed behind. Shortly after Hou Yi led the crowd away, Peng Meng burst into the backyard of the house with a sword and forced Chang E to hand over the immortal medicine. Chang'e knew she was not the opponent of Pengmeng. When she was in crisis, she decided to turn around and open the treasure box. She took out the medicine and swallowed it in one gulp. Chang'e swallowed the medicine and immediately floated off the ground, rushed out of the window and flew to the sky. Because Chang'e was concerned about her husband, she flew to the nearest moon and became a fairy.


  In the evening, Hou Yi came home and the maids cried about what had happened during the day. Hou Yi was both frightened and angry. He drew his sword to kill the villains, and Peng Meng ran away early. He was so angry that Houyi thumped his chest and screamed. The sad Hou Yi looked up at the night sky and called for his wife's name. At that time, he was surprised to find that today's moon is particularly bright and bright, and there is a shaking figure resembling Chang'e. www.zuihuowenan.com Hou Yi dispatched people to Chang'e's favorite back garden, put on incense tablets, put on her favorite honey and fresh fruit, and offered a remote sacrifice to Chang'e in the Moon Palace. After people heard the news that Chang'e had gone to the moon to become immortal, they set up incense cases under the moon to pray for good luck and peace to the kind Chang'e. Since then, the custom of worshipping the moon on Mid-Autumn Festival has spread among the people.


  Compared with the records of Chang'e in ancient literature, it can be seen that people have done a lot of processing and modification to the story of Chang'e running to the moon, so that the image of Chang'e is the same as that of the moon, so as to make it accord with people's pursuit of beauty. Contrary to the widely circulated "Chang'e Running to the Moon" in modern times, the "Lingxian" in Quan Ancient Chinese Records the story of "Chang'e Huabu": "Chang'e, Yi's wife, stealing medicine from the Queen's Mother, running to the Moon without death. In the future, the number will be yellow. Huang Zhanzhi: said:'Ji, Pianpian returned to his sister. He traveled westward alone. Every dark day, there was no fear, and then there was Dachang'. Chang'e put herself in the moon for the toad. After Chang E became a clam, she was punished all day long in the Moon Palace and lived a lonely and bitter life. Li Shangyin once had a poem lamenting Chang E: "Chang E should repent stealing the elixir, blue sea, blue sky and night heart."
