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  Through the peak of time and the clouds of history, in the vast banner sea of human beings, there is always a bright flag flashing, which is the flag set up by youth. This flag contains the contributions made by generations of outstanding youth to the prosperity of the motherland and the rejuvenation of the nation, as well as the blood and sweat paid by generations of hot-blooded youth to follow the revolutionary footprints and conquer the rough road. Mr. Lu Xun once said: "from Zhongzhou, which has an ancient history, came the voice of the youth, as if to foretell the revival of the ancient country. We must have a long and bright future. " Mr. Lu Xun's "future" refers to the revolutionary youth who are fearless of hardship, creeping forward and looking for a bright future in the dark night. They end the war with their lives and bring peace. The old stirs up the youth, the progress suffocates the rotten.


  After years of baptism, in today's complex international and social situation, this flag of youth is still shining with dazzling light. It is drawing the most brilliant color for the grand blueprint of building the motherland! Because, today, many outstanding young people still have a spirit in their hearts, adhere to a belief and forge a soul. There is a deep love for the motherland in the hearts of excellent young people. Just as fish can't live without water, young people yearn for the motherland that has given them life; just as admirers of Sangzi, young people regard the motherland as the whole of their life. Do you remember Mr. Ji Xianlin's translation of shagongdaro? There is such a poem in the book: "no matter how far you go, you will not walk out of my heart, just like the shadow of the tree at dusk, no matter how long you drag it, you cannot leave the root." Today, young people's love for the motherland and their thoughts on the motherland have become the spiritual driving force for them to perform the myth of earth shaking reform one after another! In the heart of excellent youth, there is a belief, a strong belief that they are brave of hardships and challenges.


  From the historical records, young people see that the real challenge does not come from their lack of wisdom, because the Chinese nation is known as one of the most intelligent nations in the world, and the splendid civilization created by the Chinese nation is still envied by the world; The real challenge does not come from the conflict between eastern and Western civilizations, because the five thousand year old Chinese civilization has never been afraid of the impact of any foreign civilization. Young people know that the real challenge comes from their inner heart, from the barren and lack of faith. Therefore, young people always adhere to a belief in their hearts, which makes them extremely strong!
