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  There is a person who will always occupy the softest place in your heart. You are willing to love her with your whole life. There is a kind of love that allows you to take and enjoy without any return This person is called "mother", this kind of love is called "mother love"!


  May 13 is mother's day, the most unforgettable day in our hearts. This festival is to praise and praise our mothers, and remind us to always remember: thank our mothers.


  We are grateful for mother's experience of life; we are grateful for mother's growing up; we are grateful for mother's education and enlightenment, which enable us to acquire knowledge and strength; there will always be difficulties and twists in our life. It is mother's care and help that we should be more grateful for.


  Gratitude is a comprehensive expression of one's love, conscience, kindness, responsibility and loyalty. It's hard to imagine what responsibility can a person who has no filial piety, does not know how to repay, does not have love for teachers and classmates, and does not know how to respect his company and his country in the future? How can a person who is not patriotic, does not love his family and does not love others do his best to build the future of the motherland?


  The advertisement once wrote that the little boy washed his mother's feet, but in real life, is it possible for every child to do it? "The kindness of every drop of water should be reported by the spring". We may sometimes be obsessed with a little care of a stranger, but we turn a blind eye to the great love of our mother's relatives, dislike her nagging, or get angry because of some small things However, my mother always supports us silently, patiently enlightens and educates us, and gives us support and encouragement.


  Mother is as pure as jade and as delicate as ivory carving. The life watered by mother is full of pure beauty and fragrance. We should listen to mother's nagging with a grateful heart, face mother's sternness sincerely, and realize mother's sunny spiritual world


  Let's start from today, from filial piety to mother, learn to be grateful! Let's remember the common birthday of mother in the world, wash her feet, beat her hard back, give her a warm hug, a warm blessing and a grateful smile!


  In this warm day, I wish all mothers around the world a happy mother's Day! A bunch of carnations, a sentence "Mom, you're hard" can make mother's face bloom again with a bright smile! Let's give mother a little more consideration and care, let mother and our home be filled with happiness and harmony, we will usher in a real growth!


  Here, I would like to quote a poem to end: the growth of a child is the hope of a mother's rebirth; the failure of a child is the mother's sad tears; the success of a child is the mother's happy smile. Students, for the mother's smile, for tomorrow's harvest, let you and I ambition but not worry about it!
