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  Students, do you know what festival is the second week of May? I knew it was mother's day.


  Mother's Day is coming, everything is on sale, but I don't know what gift to give to my mother. After thinking for a while, I went to the street and entered the clothing store. I saw a lot of clothes are very beautiful. I chose my eyesight and didn't know which one to buy. The waiter came up to me and asked, "children, do you want to buy for my mother?" I said, "yes, I want to buy one for my mother." Mom as a gift. "The waiter listened to me and took out a beautiful and charming dress. It was very beautiful. I asked the waiter how much it was. The waiter said," today is mother's day, and it's another filial child. I'll bring it down to the lowest price, 450 yuan. It's not expensive for me to listen to it. Today, I brought 600 yuan, 500 yuan, 50 yuan. Now I have 150 yuan left. I give it to mom again Mom bought a pair of shoes, bought a big gift box, put it in. When mom took a lunch break, I wrote another greeting card, stuck it on the gift box, put it on the bed, and went out to play. After playing for a while, I saw mom put on the clothes I bought, and I was very happy. I went to say: Happy Mother's day, mom said: "thank you, son.". No need to thank you. Is it suitable to wear? My mother said: "it is suitable. I am in a good mood today. I will go out to eat hot pot today.".

  晚上,我们一家人去吃火锅,吃的肚子撑,我首先敬妈妈了一杯,祝她:身体健康,万事如意,其他人都敬妈妈了一杯,妈妈站起来说:“今天我非常高兴,我的儿子给我买了一件衣服,我要谢谢她,也谢谢大家来给我庆祝,我非常的高兴。这一天,我们玩的是无比的高兴。 妈妈,我也要谢谢你,把扶养大,谢谢你,对我的关心,我长大一定会报答你们的,自从我送妈妈衣服后,妈妈整天都穿着,我送妈妈的礼物就是这些,同学们母亲节你送什么礼物了?没送的,赶快送吧,谢谢她们对我们的养育之恩,也算是我们的一份心意吧!

  In the evening, my family went to eat hot pot, and my stomach was full. First of all, I gave my mother a toast. I wish her good health and all the best. Everyone else gave my mother a toast. My mother stood up and said, "I'm very happy today. My son bought me a dress. I want to thank her. Thank you for coming to celebrate. I'm very happy. On this day, we had a great time. Mom, I also want to thank you for raising me. Thank you for your concern. I will repay you when I grow up. Since I sent my mother clothes, my mother has been wearing them all day long. These are the gifts I gave my mother. What gift did you give on Mother's day? If you didn't, please send them as soon as possible. Thank them for their kindness to our upbringing, which is also our heart!
