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  No angel in white, just a group of ordinary people put on a white coat with a mission. On January 23, nearly one thousand medical staff from the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University signed their names or signed up in the work group, asking to join the medical team of the hospital to fight against the new crown pneumonia. They said that patients must go up if they come, as long as they don't fall down. Novel coronavirus pneumonia is being applied to the leaders to join the fight against the new coronavirus pneumonia. Among them, there are not only young doctors and nurses, but also senior chief nurses. They leave the danger to themselves and protect the health of the citizens with their lives. They practice the original intention and mission of the doctors to save the lives and help the wounded, and love the boundless.


  Every time I see those white soldiers in military uniform fighting in the front line of epidemic prevention on TV, I am full of piety. They regard the epidemic situation as the enemy, regard the hospital as the battlefield, and forget to die in the fight without gunpowder smoke. With the spirit of fearlessness and the will of steel, they compose a glorious and magnificent hymn of life. They are Dong Cunrui and Huang Jiguang in peacetime.


  The medical staff rushed up, they put their personal safety aside and fought hard with the disease devil; the scientific and technological staff rushed up, they worked day and night, working together, trying to overcome the virus pass as soon as possible; the journalists rushed up, they devoted themselves to their duties, spread the voice of the party and the government, reported the "new pneumonia" epidemic and countless touching stories www.zuihuowenan.com


  "For the sake of the country's life and death, do you avoid it because of misfortunes and blessings?".


  The fight against "new pneumonia" has once again brought out the great national spirit of the Chinese nation. In times of crisis, inspired by the national spirit, hundreds of millions of people have built a steel great wall to fight against the "new pneumonia". No matter the surging flood or the ghost invisible virus, they can only stand back in front of the indomitable Chinese nation.


  Thanks to the people who keep the life, you carry the light and hope, guard the peace and health, you are our example, I am willing to be like you, we love you not only today, but also every day in the future life!


  I would like to be such a person.
