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  In my mind, there is such a picture - a group of young people in green uniforms, fighting in the smoky battlefield, in order to protect the motherland, throwing their heads and blood. I have always felt that soldiers should hold steel guns, fight in the battlefield, and use their lives to compose their loyalty to the motherland. But in the snow disaster and Wenchuan earthquake, the armed police soldiers pulled up the buried people with their hands. I also think the soldiers can use their hands to save our people.


  With the ambition to serve the country and protect the people, I bid farewell to my dear hometown, put on a new military uniform, and came to the army family with the entrustment of my relatives. Facing the glittering national emblem, I solemnly swear: "I will write my loyalty to the motherland on the watchtower"www.zuihuowenan.com


  Dong Cunrui sacrificed his life to bomb the blockhouse, turning the loyalty of the soldiers into a loud bang; Huang Jiguang bravely blocked the bullet hole, turning the loyalty of the soldiers into a leap; Wang Wei drove the plane to intercept the invaders, turning the loyalty of the soldiers into a fight in the air The loyalty of soldiers is the immortal soul of a country and the unyielding backbone of a nation. My loyalty is the small guard tower under my feet. What he protects is the safety of one side's soil and water.


  As a soldier, I am in the barracks and worry about the world. With a strong sense of national pride, self-confidence and pride, I always think that the Chinese nation can not be deceived and the territory of the motherland can not be lost. Although a sentry tower is nothing, its connection will become an insurmountable steel fortress for criminals and a safety barrier for reform and opening up and socialist modernization. Once the sovereignty, security and unity of the country are challenged and violated, every officer and soldier will resolutely stand up and continue to write the Victory Medal of a new generation of loyal service to the country with blood and life.


  When the international situation changed, the soldiers built a solid defense line against corruption in the complex environment with unlimited loyalty to the party; when the enemy invaded the motherland, the soldiers built a steel great wall to protect the motherland's dignity and territorial integrity in the smoke of blood and people, with unlimited loyalty to the motherland; When the flood was raging, the soldiers built the mainstay to protect the people's life and property with their infinite loyalty to the people in the turbid waves and waves; when the night was deep, we held the steel gun in our hands and told our loyalty in the guard tower.


  The loyalty of soldiers is the blood boiling in the blood vessels and the living soul in life. Soldiers, with infinite loyalty to the party, the motherland and the people, lie on the snow plateau, climb the ice, sleep in the lonely frontier, march through the vast sky, break through the clouds and fog, step on the waves and plough the waves in the vast blue sea The loyalty of soldiers is a wordless poem and a magnificent painting. When the flowers are in full bloom, the loyalty of the soldiers is written in the warm spring breeze on the earth; when the night is quiet, the loyalty of the soldiers is written in the sweet fruit of people's sleep; when the border lights up the fire, the loyalty of the soldiers is written in the blood poetry line in the shooting; when the pigeons are released in the morning, the loyalty of the soldiers is written in the green olive branch in the sun


  We are also soldiers, but we have different missions. Because we carry the police rank on our shoulders and the national emblem on our heads. We have a kind of obligation called commitment, and we have a kind of responsibility called dedication. For the sake of the peace of the motherland and the stability of the society, when people are immersed in sweet dreams, we should be vigilant to stick to the post; when the peers are in the bright karaoke hall to enjoy the "cool" time, but we have to fight against the wind and rain in the streets on duty patrol. The arduous military life and heavy duty make it difficult for us to fulfill the filial piety of our children, enjoy the happiness of our family, and take care of our family. This spirit of sacrifice and dedication is also worthy of respect.


  In today's severe situation and in the face of disaster, although we did not go to the front line in person, it is our mission to stick to our posts, and it is our duty to stand at every post. When the motherland needs me, as a soldier, I will not hesitate to put all of my own, including life.


  In the Spring Festival, although we can't get together with our families, we stand on the sentry post with guns in our hands to protect the people's living and working in peace and contentment.


  On the night of the Olympic Games, although we can't see the historic moment, our hearts are beating with our motherland and cheering with the people.
