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  Warm wind, warm spring, we ushered in the annual Arbor Day. In response to the call of national greening, protect the environment and protect the home. It's the students who fully understand the knowledge of ecological environment, understand the origin of tree planting Festival and the great significance of duty, further understand the close relationship between trees and human beings, and improve the students' awareness of protecting trees, flowers and plants. On March 12, under the leadership of the relevant person in charge, I held a tree planting activity of the whole school.

  3月12日下午4点。在老师的带领下,同学们纷纷来到操场,在老师围绕〝爱绿、护绿,你我参与〞的主题发表完话后,学生们就在老师的带领下,进行了植树活动。我们种下了一棵棵树木,同时也种下了大自然那一个个生命的种子,给学校发展贡献,给我们的校园增添了一点绿色,使我们的生活环境更加美丽。 www.zuihuowenan.com

  4 p.m. March 12. Under the guidance of the teacher, the students came to the playground one after another. After the teacher's speech on the theme of "love green, protect green, you and I participate", the students carried out tree planting activities under the guidance of the teacher. We have planted trees, but also planted the seeds of the lives of nature, contributing to the development of the school, adding a little green to our campus, making our living environment more beautiful.


  Because we have so many enthusiastic classmates, our work can be successful. If we work hard together, we will be able to succeed. The teacher's role is to lead everyone to organize well, do their own work well, and really do their own leading role. Through this activity, we also deeply feel the role of students gathering together, and at the same time, we should better develop the role and contribution of students to the whole school.


  This activity is the biggest activity in our school since the beginning of the new semester this year, and it is also a student party to draw students closer to each other. The smooth development of this activity has laid a solid foundation for our future work and also made our future work full of confidence. As an excellent teacher or student, we should really play a leading role. Our job is to mobilize the majority of students and rely on everyone's strength to complete more things.


  At the same time, this activity has also played a good exercise in the ability of mutual coordination between our students. Each student has taken the lead in offering their own strength, providing a good opportunity to strengthen the cultivation of various abilities of various cadres.


  Therefore, the school's tree planting activities, the cohesion of all teachers and students, let our school become more perfect, to a higher level of challenge.
