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  On March 7, XX, five years ago today (a report issued on March 7), a fire broke out in the Danan mountain, causing the burning of about 0.8 hectares of mountain forest. On the 5th day after the fire, it happened to be tree planting day. Our family went to Nanshan to plant trees together. There were so many people planting trees that day. We were afraid of too many people in the afternoon, so we went up the mountain in the morning. But when we arrived, we found that many people thought the same as us. We were drowned in the crowd. With food and water ready, we went up the mountain with the stream of people.

  早上和下午就是不同,虽然人多,但是很凉爽,从山的两侧不时传出树叶摩擦的声音,不时传来一阵阵微风。我们一口气爬到了半山腰上。当我们爬到半山腰的时候,大家都喘不过气了,都大叫着要休息。由于再走一小段路就要到山的最高处了,队长——奶奶批准大家休息十分钟。我们开始哄抢食物,面包啊、薯片、饮料。一下子就寥寥无几了。休息了十分钟,体力恢复了一点,又开始马不停蹄的登山,生怕好的树苗被抢走了。 www.zuihuowenan.com

  Morning and afternoon are different. Although there are many people, they are very cool. From both sides of the mountain, there is the sound of leaves rubbing. From time to time, there is a breeze. We climbed to the mountainside in one breath. When we were halfway up the mountain, we were all out of breath and shouting for a rest. Since it's about to reach the top of the mountain after a short walk, the captain - grandma approved everyone to have a rest for ten minutes. We started grabbing food, bread, chips, drinks. In a flash, it was very few. After a ten minute rest, I recovered a little bit and started to climb the mountain without stopping, for fear that the good saplings would be robbed.


  When we got to the place where the fire was burning, we were surprised that the bark of good trees had been burned, and there were all traces left by the fire. The ground is in a mess. Many big trees were transported down the mountain because of the fire. They have been on the mountain for decades, or even hundreds of years, but now they have moved home because of a fire. I don't know who caused the burning of Nanshan. My family went to pick up a young tree, a shovel and a watering pot. The great task of planting trees was left to me. At the bottom of the sapling is a black plastic bag, which I use as a sign of the tree. I took the shovel and found a soft land. I scooped it up and made a small pit. Then I put the saplings in, filled the soil back, and poured some water on it. A sapling was born. It was almost noon when we planted the trees, so we had to say goodbye to the trees and go home.


  A week later, when I came to Nanshan again, I found that the seedlings I planted couldn't be found. I don't know whether they were dug and planted elsewhere, or whether the bottom of black plastic had been deeply embedded in the soil. I really hope it's the second.


  Five years later, when I went climbing, I would go to the book that had been burned and look for the little sapling that used to be, the "big tree" today.
