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  "Spring silkworm to the end of silk, wax torch ashes tear dry." Whenever I see the famous lines written by Li Shangyin, the great poet of Tang Dynasty, I feel a sense of gratitude to my first teacher in charge of a class in primary school.


  I remember that at that time, we were freshmen, who knew nothing. Under the leadership of our parents, we met you, Mr. Tan. Teacher Tan always likes to wear her black hair with a few strands of silver silk behind her head, like a cluster of black waterfalls. Teacher Tan's eyes are very godly. They are the representatives of wisdom. They are like a star in the night, guiding me into another world full of wisdom. www.zuihuowenan.com Her mouth was small but charming. We can recite beautiful poems for us, read beautiful articles, and make us live in it. It's Mr. Tan who educates us from a pupil who doesn't know anything about the world to a senior student who can export into chapters. It's Mr. Tan who educates us from a stuttering pupil to a young pioneer who can read articles fluently.


  One morning in our second grade, the bell rang, but we could not see Mr. Tan waiting for us. The students were impatient and some said, "Let's go to the office and have a look!" Some said, "What happened to the teacher today? Don't come to class yet!" Others said, "Is there anything wrong?" Everyone rushed out of the classroom and looked in the direction where the teacher was going up the stairs. Suddenly someone muttered, "Here comes the teacher!" Everyone looked for prestige, and sure enough, Mr. Tan came to the classroom, but unlike usual, Mr. Tan was pale, with a slight anxious look, and walked shakily, very slowly. She gave us a slightly harsh look, and everyone immediately turned and went into the classroom and sat upright. Tan walked slowly into the classroom, stood on the platform, coughed several times, and said in a hoarse voice, "Sorry, we're starting class." Then she began to talk. Although your voice was not as crisp as before and she coughed a few times, she still analyzed the text so thoroughly and explained the new words so clearly. Soon the sweat beads came out on her forehead. You quietly took out the toilet paper and gently wiped it off without fatigue. Speaking wearily... Classroom quietly, no one speaks or does something unrelated to the classroom, only two kinds of voices echo over the classroom, one is your lively voice of lecture, the other is the students'positive voice... It was not until later that I learned that you had a high fever the night before, and that you were slightly better until 5:30 a.m., but you insisted on taking a leave of absence to teach for us. You also said, "The midterm exam is almost over, and you can't delay your classes because of me..." Hearing this, I can't help it anymore. Tears blur my eyes...


  Ah, Miss Tan, like a hard gardener, you pruned, cut leaves, watered and fertilized these saplings to make us grow into strong young trees. On the occasion of Teacher's Day, I want to say to you: Teacher, you have worked hard!
